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Showcase Artist - Matt Lee, Las Vegas, Nevada

Today Matt Lee is a native of Las Vegas, Nevada, and although he may be a new name to many in the Smooth Jazz arena, he is no newcomer to the saxophone.

Matt is the President and Founder of the company Westcoast Sax and is an expert in vintage saxophones. He has been the 'go to' source for many of today's leading artists in our Smooth Jazz genre including Euge Groove, Will Donato, Jackiem Joyner, Dean James and Chris Godber.

He has been a driving force in the saxophone community since the millenium year of 2000 by creating social media groups, reviewing products for the leading saxophone instrument manufacturers and testing mouthpieces from leading designers.

In 2014 Matt decided to manufacture his own range of mouthpieces designed from a player's perspective and was able to improve the consistency, performance and playablilty of them.

His range of sax accessories didn't stop there and new products included :- The Buzz Saxophone Neck Screw, MoFo, MOAM,  Mood Swing, Private Stock, High Roller, and Throwback Saxophone Mouthpiece Models for Soprano, Alto, and Tenor saxophones.

Matt's saxophone playing career started in 1997 when his grandmother bought him his first alto saxophone. From that point onwards he knew that he had found his calling and followed his dream from California to Nevada.

Matt is a self-taught saxophonist and developed his skill by listening to some of the Smooth Jazz genre's icons such as Gato Barbieri, Grover Washington Jr. and Kenny G.

Other influences in his current composing skillset stem from a wide range of artists and styles of music including the late, great Al Jarreau, The Isley Brothers, James Brown and the iconic 70's soul star Curtis Mayfield.

Like many students in collegeland Matt heard other musical genres including bands like Matallica, but after hearing Kenny G and Grover Washington Jr. playing on his local pop radio station he realized that this style was more akin to the music that he wanted to play and began to immerse himself in other Jazz sub genres including Trad and Contemporary Jazz, and also other music genres such as Blues, R'n'B, Soul and Motown.

Now coupled with a wider knowledge of a myriad of other music genres, and his desire to explore the saxophone, Matt's journey was to really begin as a performer.

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Showcase Artist - Matt Lee, Las Vegas, Nevada

In the early 2000's Matt opened up for Starship and played a cool show for filmstar Arnold Schwarzenegger. From 2000 until now he's been playing at corporate events, weddings, wineries, fine dining restaurants, hotels etc, and as the producer of his new single Euge Groove states :- 'It's about time Matt added his own contribution as an Artist to the Smooth Jazz genre'.

Fast forward to the current day and Matt is playing, composing, arranging and producing from his home studio and has released a number of tracks (some sampled below) including his new single for the Fall of 2022 entitled 'Panama City Groove'.

This song was written by Matt and Jeffrey Carruthers with the latter producing and performing guitar and keys on the cut alongside Gordon Campbell on drums and Darryl WIlliams on bass.

Matt states that he finds inspiration from all around him and living in a vibrant metropolis such as Las Vegas they are sure to be diverse and colourful. His style of melodic and soulful songs bring out this emotion especially when perfoming in front of a live audience.

His distinctive and signature sound is evident on his EP Album called 'Never Too Late' with a follow up album planned for 2023.

As one of his great mentors Grover Washington Jr. suggested in his own song 'The Best Is Yet To Come' for Matt Lee.

Listen to Sound Samples from Matt Lee.

* Panama City Groove (2022)
* Pretty Southern Girl (2022)
* First Glance (2022)

Matt Lee's song 'Panama City Groove' is featured on STREETJAZZ Show No. 973

Previous Showcase Artist - Carol Albert

* Also see :- Matt Lee 's Website
* Also see :- Matt Lee 's' Blog Page
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